

I am feeling moody..uncertain what the new job will bring if I choose to take it up. When I applied for it, I didnt really think I would be this close to getting it! Current job I have now sucks, but at least I am familiar with what I am doing..

On the other hand, I am tired to job hop and start all over again should this new job be yet again not suitable for me!

Anyway in addition to that, a few events had happened and I feel unreciprocated..The person I thought whom is close to me had started to make me feel otherwise..She is overall just a private person whom only confides in us when she is troubled. Other than that, from my view, whatever I try to share with her, will be returned with lukewarm responses. I dont think any of my true close girlies are like this..

Other than that, I just feel unappreciated in terms of the advice I have given..It just feels like even family don't view my knowledge as useful..

I feel left out as well..and pressured..to have children. I know it is silly to feel that way, but I just cannot help it! Its like, I havnt been a mum, but of cos I understand being a new mum is an exciting phase in life and lots to talk about..there is nothing I can contribute to in terms of advice other than those I have learnt from my profession as a dietitian. But somehow, i still feel left out, more now after yesterday's incident at dinner.

Once I walked in - they were talking and normally, they would come help me at the kitchen..but yesterday it was just me..

First thing i hear is abt her food preference now..

The bigger portion must be given to her cos she needs it more..

Hard to put it all in words..I am just not happy now...