
Time flies! I will need to return to work in 4 weeks time..had requested to work on a part time basis for at least a couple of months. Hope the management will accede to my request!

Have yet to bring Daryl out on my own..but its such a coincidence that Kavi had asked us out for lunch next week and she too will bring Sid out..so excited!!


Never knew looking after Daryl on my own could be so much fun! Though it takes some getting used to hurried meals and visits to the toilet, I am still enjoying this new experience totally!
I m glad I encouraged mum to go for her holidays in Sydney, cause if not for this, chances like this for me to look after bb on my own would be so rare!! Then again, its not like I am totally left on my own lah, cos I still have a helper to prepare meals and do the housework haha..and hubby to take over some feeds and diaper change.
Babies grow up so quickly! Daryl just turned 2 months old!!

Talking about time, I am looking forward to the day where i can fit into my old jeans!!! My SIL and friends keep telling me they regained their old figure 3 months after giving birth..and reassured me i would to..hur hur..How to when i cant do any exercise till Aug?!! Chams lah..