Time flies when we are busy man..It has been my 3rd week as a dietitian..and I think i have lost my skills in writing..writing as a form of entertainment and not the writing in the case notes for my patients lah huh..
My typical day would be to see patients (pt) in the outpatient clinic for the first half of the day where there is an influx of patients everyday..patient count ranging from 5 to 14..And the current trend is weds will be the killer days..Gotta see all those pts starting from 9 am to latest by 12.30..ie. Mad Rush..so much so that i dont have time to go to the toilet or drink water..
And things get harder when the pt notes don't come in sequence, and I will have to walk around the ctr to look for them..(most often be in the nurse's office) and retrieve them in the most polite manner on a busy day..or else bear with the irritated look and a stern answer from who ever is holding them.
If not, it will be the blood test results taking a gazillion yrs to be reflected in the data base..
Then its the much appreciated lunch hr..and next comes seeing pts in the wards..this will generally take on a more relaxed pace but still not too lax lah huh..cos it will reflect on how inefficient you are!!
oh well..still need to give myself somemore time...but I just have this nagging feeling in me that this job is not one which i will stay on for long..
I wont be working this sat yayy!! ..*crosses fingers* hope my colleagues dont suddenly decide that they have sth on and need to swap with me!!
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